As a brand established in Amsterdam, we are finally setting foot at the heart of Amsterdam. We are happy to announce the opening of CRUÈL POP-UP STORE.
At CRUÈL POP-UP STORE, we will be giving you exclusive looks at our upcoming FW21 'A CALMNESS OF AMELIORATION' collection, a collection bearing peace and light with a call to action. To halt, inhale, reflect and exhale. This collection is an acknowledgment of the mental pressures in our contemporary society that cause turbulence in our individual vibrations.
The FW21 'A CALMNESS OF AMELIORATION' Collection will be available this September. However, you will be able to exclusively Pre-Order the pieces of this collection at the POP-UP to get early access to them. Your purchases will be constructed and granted to you within 2-3 weeks.
CRUÈL POP-UP STORE will take place from June 24, 2021 to June 26, 2021 at "Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder" Oudezijds Voorburgwal 38, 1012 GD Amsterdam.
At CRUÈL POP-UP STORE, we will be providing you with Drinks, Snacks, Music & Cruèlest experience. Please make sure to RSVP and join us at CRUÈL POP-UP STORE. See you all on 24th, 25th & 26th!
Express yourself, be CRUÈL
